Peran F2-Isoprostan dan Nitrik Oksida Sebagai Penanda Stres Oksidatif dan Disfungsi Endotel Pada Penderita Preeklamsi

Santosa, Slamet and Delima, Ellya Rosa and Prahastuti, Sijani and Tih, Fen and Suryawan, Aloysius and Sastrawinata, Ucke Sugeng (2007) Peran F2-Isoprostan dan Nitrik Oksida Sebagai Penanda Stres Oksidatif dan Disfungsi Endotel Pada Penderita Preeklamsi. Jurnal Kedokteran Maranatha, 7 (1). pp. 47-55. ISSN 1411-9641

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The objective of this research was to know the role of F2-Isoprostane and nitric oxide in pathophysiology of preeclampsia. This research was a descriptive-observational study and the subject divided into 2 groups and inclusion criteria was full-filled (group I : 18 preeclampsia women – IA:9 mild preeclampsia/PER and IB:9 severe preeclampsia /PEB ; group II : 33 normal pregnant women). All subjects were measured the concentration of serum F2-Isoprostane by a competitive ELISA technique and the concentration of serum nitric oxide (NO) by non-enzymatic colorimetric assay. The datas analyzed statistically by calculating mean value and standard deviation of F2-Isoprostane and NO in 2 groups. Significancy level was tested with Student-t test in 95% CI. The mean value and SD of F2-Isoprostane in preeclampsia was 0,803 ± 0,521 ng/ml (PER : 0,707 ± 0,45 ; PEB : 0,899 ± 0,594), and in normal pregnancy was 0,557 ± 0,458 (p<0,001). The mean value and SD of NO in preeclampsia was 22,62 ± 3,79 μM/L (PER : 22,76 ± 3,89 ; PEB : 22,5 ± 3,91), and in normal pregnancy was 28,25 ± 12,49 (p < 0,001). There is a significant difference in the level of oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction, while in preeclampsia is higher than in normal pregnancy.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: preeclampsia, normal pregnancy, F2-Isoprostane, nitric oxide.
Subjects: R Medicine > R Medicine (General)
Depositing User: Perpustakaan Maranatha
Date Deposited: 05 Oct 2021 03:38
Last Modified: 09 Nov 2021 02:38

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