Complementary Therapy of Diabetes Mellitus

Jasaputra, Diana Krisanti (2011) Complementary Therapy of Diabetes Mellitus. Jurnal Medika Planta, 1 (3). pp. 93-101. ISSN 2086-7514

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Diabetes mellitus (DM) is historically characterized by hyperglycemia. Thepathophysiologic processes causing hyperglycemia include insulin deficiency, impaired glucose disposal (insulin resistance), and increased hepatic glucose production. Type 1 diabetes mellitus (TJDM) results from an insulin deficiency state usually caused by immunologic damage to beta cells. Some patients with TJDM also havefeatures of insulin resistance. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) resultsfrom insulin resistance, often associated with central obesity, increased hepatic glucoseproduction, and aprogressive decline in beta cellfunction that is not immunologically mediated. Diabetes in Traditional Chinese Medicine is divided intofive stages, representing a progression from simple yin deficiency to complete break down of the body systems, that can be evaluated by looking the patient tongue. There are the base formula of 8-12 herbs was presented to treat Diabetes Mellitus as complementary treatment. These formula use herbs such as Pueraria lobata root, Rehmannia glutinosa root, Trichosanthes kirilowii root, Scrophularia ningpoensis root, Salvia miltiorrhiza root, Polygonatum sibiricum root, Polygonum multiflorum root, and ophiopogon.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, traditional chinese medicine
Subjects: R Medicine > R Medicine (General)
Depositing User: Perpustakaan Maranatha
Date Deposited: 16 Apr 2018 08:40
Last Modified: 16 Apr 2018 08:40

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