Aplikasi Pengaturan Antrian (Studi Kasus: Customer Service Plasa Telkom Makassar)

Zakaria, Teddy M and Windiasari, Gini (2008) Aplikasi Pengaturan Antrian (Studi Kasus: Customer Service Plasa Telkom Makassar). Jurnal Informatika, 4 (2).

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Customer Service is one of the important things for the company these days. That’s why PT. Telkom presented Plasa Telkom as a bridge between the company and its customer. But there’s a problem, which is queue process is still conventional and not in order. This application can solve that problem. It has features, such as arranging queue number, queue registration, calling customer with certain queue number and showing which table who calling the customer, showing customer data, showing customer service official data, showing customer service report, showing and changing customer service official data, showing and changing supervisor data, showing and changing administrator data. The result can help queue arranging process. This application could used for other company which have multi channel single phase queue, having more than one service, having unlimited queue total, and used for customer service department. For example are banks and health clinics. Some adaptations may be needed by other companies.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: queue application, customer service, queue arranging process.
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General)
Depositing User: Perpustakaan Maranatha
Date Deposited: 10 Feb 2012 07:44
Last Modified: 10 Feb 2012 07:44
URI: http://repository.maranatha.edu/id/eprint/223

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