Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Strategik Balanced Scorecard dalam Pencapaian Sasaran Jangka Panjang (Studi Kasus pada PTPN XIII(Persero) Pontianak)

Sinaga, Christofer Hariadi (0651338) (2011) Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Strategik Balanced Scorecard dalam Pencapaian Sasaran Jangka Panjang (Studi Kasus pada PTPN XIII(Persero) Pontianak). Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Kristen Maranatha.

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Strategic management system as a medium of information technology, needed by a company to manage their strategies to maximize the ability of corporate resources. Strategic management system will provide information for the company in running its business activities in accordance with the strategies that have been set to achieve its strategic objectives, as well as survival and growth of promising companies in entering the competitive business environment and turbulent. Balanced scorecard as a strategic management system saves tremendous potential in boosting the performance of financial and nonfinancial companies. Balanced scorecard is able to translate the vision, mission and strategy into the strategic goals of a comprehensive, coherent, balanced, and scalable. The author conducted research at PT Perkebunan Nusantara XIII Persero Pontianak who have not applied the balanced scorecard as a strategic management system. This is because PTPN XIII under the government bureaucracy that has set its own policy in strategic management system. In addition, extensive work areas throughout Kalimantan and many workers make use of the balanced scorecard concept designed complex and difficult to apply in PTPN XIII. This research was conducted to measure indicators of success in achieving the strategic goals of PTPN XIII by applying the balanced scorecard. The method used is descriptive method with approach of case studies. While the data collection method is by observation and interview, and literature study. The results showed that the implementation of the vision of PTPN XIII agribusiness companies who want to become highly competitive, growing and sustainable growth with the implementation of the mission of providing products and services in the areas of oil palm, rubber, and the downstream industry is highly competitive in the global marketplace and benefit the shareholders, employees, farm workers, farmers, communities, and environment; through strategic policies that focused on the financial perspective, customer, business processes, and human resources, has so far been going pretty good. To improve the performance of the achievement of that vision, the authors designed a balanced scorecard PTPN XIII. In translating the balanced scorecard in PTPN XIII, the author uses six stages: (1) identify the organization, (2) the development of corporate strategy, (3) describes the strategy into components smaller (strategic goals) in four perspectives, (4) create a strategy map that links strategic goals with four perspectives, (5) measurement of business strategy, and (6) setting targets and formulating the necessary initiatives in implementing the strategy.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: balanced scorecard, vision, mission, strategy, strategic management systems, performance, financial and nonfinancial
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HF Commerce > HF5601 Accounting
Divisions: Faculty of Economics > 51 Accounting Department
Depositing User: Perpustakaan Maranatha
Date Deposited: 01 Jun 2015 10:46
Last Modified: 01 Jun 2015 10:46

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