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Rahardjo, Theresia Monica and Suryawan, Aloysius and Rumouw, Nadya Rosa Amelia and Santoso, Hizkia (2024) The Effect of Channa Striata, Moringa Oleifera, and Curcuma Xanthorrhiza Extract on Accelerating Recovery in a Ventilated Patient with Hemorrhagic Shock Grade 3 due to Prolonged Retained Placenta: a Case Report. Journal of Medical Case Reports, 18 (120). ISSN 1752-1947
Theresia Monica Rahardjo (2023) Daun Kelor, Stunting, dan Ketahanan Nasional. 000500090.
Rahardjo, Theresia Monica (2022) Teknologi Kesehatan Terkini. Media Indonesia.
Rahardjo, Theresia Monica (2022) Indonesia dan Stunting. Media Indonesia. p. 12.
Rahardjo, Theresia Monica (2022) Penambahan Kapasitas dan Alokasi Dokter Baru: Antara Manfaat dan Risiko. Media Indonesia. p. 12.
Rahardjo, Theresia Monica (2022) Pendidikan Kedokteran. Media Indonesia. p. 12.
Rahardjo, Theresia Monica (2022) Validasi Inovasi Medis Dunia Kedokteran. Media Indonesia. p. 12.
Rahardjo, Theresia Monica (2022) Covid-19, dari Pandemi Menuju Endemi? Media Indonesia. p. 12.
Rahardjo, Theresia Monica (2022) Pertemuan Tatap Muka dan Vaksinasi. Media Indonesia. p. 12.
Rahardjo, Theresia Monica (2021) Menghadapi BPJS Tanpa Kelas. Media Indonesia. p. 12.
Rahardjo, Theresia Monica (2021) Serba-Serbi Imunitas. Media Indonesia. p. 12.
Rahardjo, Theresia Monica (2021) Fraksionasi Plasma Darah. Media Indonesia. p. 12.
Rahardjo, Theresia Monica and Yogipranata, Elizabeth and Naswan, Ardian Hediyanto and Sari, Fitri Rahayu and Budiono, Fajar and Permatasari, Hernawati and Chuntari, C.H.R. Driantik (2021) Effectiveness of Convalescent Plasma Therapy in Eight non-Intubated Coronavirus Disease 2019 Patients in Indonesia: a Case Series. Journal of Medical Case Reports, 15. ISSN 1752-1947
Theresia Monica Rahardjo, Teguh Triyono, Patra Rijalul Harly (2021) Guidelines Of Convalescent Plasma Therapy For COVID-19 Patient. 000251507.
Rahardjo, Theresia Monica (2020) Plasma Konvalesen Sembuhkan Covid-19. Media Indonesia.
Rahardjo, Theresia Monica (2020) Indonesia Siap Terapkan Terapi Plasma Konvalesen. Media Indonesia.
Theresia Monica Rahardjo, Patra Rijalul Harly, Teguh Triyono (2020) Penatalaksanaan Terapi Plasma Konsalesen bagi Pasien Covid-19. 000197238.
Rahardjo, Theresia Monica and Triyono, Teguh and Harly, Patra R. (2020) Penatalaksanaan Terapi Plasma Konvalesen bagi Pasien Covid-19. Cv Mitra Media Persada, Jakarta. ISBN 978-602-1215-01-2
Rahardjo, Theresia Monica and Triyono, Teguh and Harly, Patra R. (2020) Penatalaksanaan Terapi Plasma Konvalesen bagi Pasien Covid-19. Unpad Press, Bandung. ISBN 978-602-439-792-0
Suryawan, Aloysius and Handono, Budi and Rahardjo, Theresia Monica (2020) Peripartum Cardiomyopathy After Cesarean Section In Women With Preeclampsia Related To More Severe Outcome: A Case Series. The Internet Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 24 (1).
Rahardjo, Theresia Monica and Maskoen, Tinni Trihartini and Redjeki, Ike Sri (2016) Recovery from a Possible Cytomegalovirus Meningoencephalitis-Induced Apparent Brain Stem Death in an Immunocompetent Man: a Case Report. Journal of Medical Case Reports, 10. ISSN 1752-1947
Rahardjo, Theresia Monica and Oscar, Franky and Redjeki, Ike Sri (2016) Total Intravenous Anesthesia for Mouth Prophylaxis in Adult Patient With Autistic Disorder: A Case Report. JOurnal of International Dental and Medical Research, 9 (2). pp. 126-128. ISSN 1309-100X
Rahardjo, Theresia Monica and Redjeki, Ike Sri and Kurniadi, Rudi (2015) Pengaruh Terapi Vitamin C 1.000 mg Intravena terhadap Kadar Laktat, Base Deficit dan Saturasi Vena Sentral (SvO2) pada Pasien Sepsis. Majalah Anestesia & Critical Care (The Indonesian Journal of Anesthesiology and Critical Care), 33 (1). ISSN 0216-8103
Suryawan, Aloysius and Rahardjo, Theresia Monica (2013) The Role of Free Radicals and Antioxidant in Abortion. The Indonesian Biomedical Journal, 5 (1). pp. 25-30. ISSN 2355-9179
Rahardjo, Theresia Monica Propofol Effect on Stress Response and Free Radicals in Patient during Surgery and Sedation Procedure. The Indonesian Medical Journal, 7 (3). pp. 147-152. ISSN 2085-3297