Performance of Toroid Core Permanent Magnet with RLC Loads

Yusuf, Herawati (2009) Performance of Toroid Core Permanent Magnet with RLC Loads. In: 11th International Conference on QiR (Quality in Research), 3-6 August 2009, Jakarta.

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Part of Cuk converter Slobodan, was modified with toroid core, which was used as the controller of the ripple current and load, in watt-meter. So the watt-meter could measure the active, reactive power and power factor. And the result of measurement could be transmitted to the receiver. In order to solve this problem, the real toroid with some models of air gap, surface material must have chosen, to find a better one, and then use the approachment methods from magnetic circuit to electric circuit. Modified Cuk converter with RLC loads and ripple current around less than 1% has a good geometry of core toroid in Cuk converter Slobodan. The twisted coil winding could be reduce the frequencies, so the ripple current become lower and increase the efficiency. Toroid core as magnetic circuit could be calculated as approachment method applied to electric circuit where the matterial could be generate the source like air gap, and the real sources coil winding in primary and secondary. Modification conductor in coil winding in primary and secondary was fifty degrees twisted. The Twist could minimize the ripple from 3.2% become 0.21%.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Toroid core, Cuk converter, air gap, surface of conductor, low ripple and high frequency.
Subjects: T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering
Depositing User: Perpustakaan Maranatha
Date Deposited: 25 Jul 2013 05:25
Last Modified: 25 Jul 2013 05:25

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